Restorative Lifestyle Blog
Learnings, teachings and tips & tricks for anyone to reference during difficult times, stressful workdays and moments when you need to come home to yourself.
Restorative Yoga for back pain: simple side bend to the rescue
It's too early for a lot of definitive data on how pandemic life has contributed to trends in musculoskeletal disorders, but safe to say that stress and longer periods spent sitting (on Zoom) are likely to deliver an increase in back pain.
Yoga and Stress: Optimize Your Yoga Practice to Elicit the Relaxation Response
We’ve all heard that yoga is good for stress, but how you approach your practice may be the key to whether or not that promise holds true. Understanding how stress operates on your body can help inform how you approach your yoga practice to maximise its stress-busting effects.
Why Restorative Yoga benefits your wellbeing, and how to get started
In a results-driven lightning speed world where more is being asked of us than ever before, it’s no longer about “finding time” to recover, but recognizing that without preemptive rest we’ll get less done, fall further behind, and feel more overwhelmed than ever.
What is Restorative Yoga?
Restorative Yoga uses supported positions to invoke deep relaxation to settle your mind and harmonize your physiology, relieving stress, pain and improving emotional wellbeing.
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