
Restorative Lifestyle Blog

Learnings, teachings and tips & tricks for anyone to reference during difficult times, stressful workdays and moments when you need to come home to yourself.

Yoga, Restorative Yoga, meditation Julia Clarke Yoga, Restorative Yoga, meditation Julia Clarke

How Restorative Yoga benefits your creative process

Creativity, the source of all innovation, has remained at the forefront of scholarly inquiry by psychologists, therapists and now neuroscientists for decades. Creativity provides innovation at the source of all thought; how it expresses is almost infinite, whether that’s abstract painting, writing a novel, or problem solving when you’re hanging off the side of a cliff on belay. It stands to reason that the more innovative thinking there is happening in society at large, the greater the benefit to us all.

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Why Restorative Yoga benefits your wellbeing, and how to get started

In a results-driven lightning speed world where more is being asked of us than ever before, it’s no longer about “finding time” to recover, but recognizing that without preemptive rest we’ll get less done, fall further behind, and feel more overwhelmed than ever.

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The high price of stress: why stress reduction strategies are more important than ever

Are you feeling frazzled, anxious or overwhelmed? Experts agree that the time is now to practice stress reduction strategies to preserve your health and wellbeing. The ongoing financial and social uncertainty surrounding the pandemic has us all on edge, and it’s more important than ever for our health to make time for stress-reduction and self care.

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