Restorative Lifestyle Blog
Learnings, teachings and tips & tricks for anyone to reference during difficult times, stressful workdays and moments when you need to come home to yourself.
Why Restorative Yoga benefits your wellbeing, and how to get started
In a results-driven lightning speed world where more is being asked of us than ever before, it’s no longer about “finding time” to recover, but recognizing that without preemptive rest we’ll get less done, fall further behind, and feel more overwhelmed than ever.
Shallow Breathing Can Make You Anxious. Here’s What You Can Do About It
A University of Auckland study identified a direct correlation between modern posture and increasing emotional stress. The book Breath in Action asserts that simply paying more attention to your breath can help. In Yoga, we take it one step further with practices to deepen, extend or conserve the breath, known as “Pranayama”.
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